Nataša, Maša, Lulu, Lisa, Jerneja, sono cinque studentesse dell’Istituto sloveno Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča di Ivančna Gorica, che hanno svolto presso ETV EuroTreviso un periodo di tirocinio di due settimane nel quadro del programma Erasmus+. Durante questo periodo hanno realizzato brochure informative sul progetto Erasmus+ e hanno realizzato alcuni articoli per farci conoscere alcuni aspetti della cultura slovena.
Joker out – the famous Slovenian indie pop band
When it comes to Slovenian bands, Joker out stands out the most, mainly because of their unique music style. Instead of producing the traditional Slovenian music, they chose to be one of a kind and become one of the first Slovenian artists to produce in an indie style. The band consists of 5 members: Bojan Cvjetićanin (main vocalist), Kris Guštin (guitar), Jan Peteh (guitar). The remaining two members (Martin Jurkovič and Matic Kovačič) have been replaced by Jure Maček and Nace Jordan.
The band peaked in May 2023 when they performed at the Eurovision with their new song “Carpe Diem”. As of now it has 11.5 million streams on Spotify. Fun fact: Carpe diem means “Seize the day” and encourages to “make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future”. But be careful! Every action has its consequences. Besides Carpe Diem, Joker out has many good songs which include Umazane misli, Demoni, Katrina, Gola, Tokio…
BePop – eccentric pop band
BePop is the first Slovenian pop band from the early 2000’s. In 2002, it was made from 5 members: Tinkara Zorec, Alenka Husič, Simon Meglič, Ana Praznik and Nejc Erazem. The band is still active but as of now there are only three members active: Tinkara Zorec, Alenka Husič and Ana Praznik. One of the members, Nejc Erazem, sadly passed away due to a motor accident while Simon Meglič left by an unknown reason. Their first song, “ti si moje sonce” which translates to “you are my sun”, immediately became a hit when it first came out. The songs rhythm and melody are extremely catchy and easy to hum along to.
Ensemble Modrijani – country musical group
Ensemble Modrijani are a folk band that has been working since 2000. They perform folk and fun music with four-part singing. Every year they organize the Night of Modrijans concert. Their most famous song is “ti moja rožica” which translates to “you’re my little flower” and a few other most likeable songs are: “dal bom besedo”, “Rock me”, “Daj mi poljub”, “Moja”, “kok nam je luštn”, “Nocoj ti bom na okence potrkal”. They have also collaborated 3 times with Jan Plestenjak, which made them gain even more popularity in Slovenia. The ensemble consists of 4 members: Blaž Švab (vocals), Rok Švab (Diatonic button accordion), Franjo Oset (Double Bass), Peter Oset (Guitar).
Jan Plestenjak – pop singer
Jan Plestenjak is a very popular Slovenian singer who has released a lot of hits in Slovenia. He is 50 years old and produces and writes pop songs in Slovenian. His most popular songs are “Pustil tib om sanje”, “stara dobra”, “iz pekla do raja”, “soba 102” and “do zadnje kaplje”. His first album came out in the 1994 under the name “Gremo v kino” which translates to “Let’s go to the cinema”.